
Feng Shui Symbols

1) What is victory symbol?

This popular symbol brings you many advantages such as defeating enemies , business and carrier success,examination luck. In other words this is a powerful symbol that fulfills your wishes.


2) I don't have children. Is there any Feng Shui solution?

You can hang a picture of hundred babies in you bedroom. To have a son hang it on the Northeast wall and to have a daughter hang it on the West wall.


3) What is Nine-ki?

It is a type of an astrology that forecasts you future using your nine-ki number. This number is calculated according to your year of birth.


4) Do we have to place coins near the laughing god statue?

No. That is a wrong belief. You can't attract more wealth luck by placing coins with laughing god. 


5) I want to improve my wealth luck. What equipment should I use?

You can use a laughing god statue, Chinese Feng Shui coins, 3 legged frog, sailing ship and so many other Feng Shui equipment.

6) I want to improve my education luck. What are the suitable products?

Pagoda, Taoist Education Amulet, Christal Globe are few of the Education luck symbols.

7) I want to get help from Feng Shui to boost my relationship luck. What should I use?

Mandarin ducks, Peony flowers, double happiness symbol, Mystic Knot are some.

8) What are the major benefits I get from a dragon statue?

You attract wealth luck, you will be successful, you will be able to begin new ventures, you will be able to begin the things you left unfinished and you will be lucky in business.

9) Where should I place the dragon statue?

The statue should be placed in the living room. East is the best direction, but if there is any difficulty you can place it in Southeast.

10) What is the secret with the dragon statue?

To get the best results place water near the dragon, there is no specific direction.

11) On which finger I should wear the Feng Shui ring?

You can wear on any finger except the thumb. Any hand is alright.

12) What is the powerful mantra written on the wheel around the ring?

It is “Om Mani Padme Hum”-one of the most powerful Tibetan mantras.

13) How long I should rotate the wheel around the ring?

No exact length. The results are given each person differently.

14) Where should I hang the crystal?

You can hang it on a window where you get the morning sunlight through it. There is no special direction.

15) Which advantages I get from the crystal?

Wishes coming true Conception, Child birth
        New business opportunities
        Introducing to a useful/powerful person
        Lucky period

    Can I use a crystal as soon as I bought it?

    No. You have to wash it with salty water first.

    What is the easiest method to use Feng Shui coins?

    Put three Feng Shui coins bound with a red ribbon into your purse/wallet. It should be in touch with money.

    Does it give results only for the people who believe?

    No. It will give results for anyone who use.

    Is it alright to put the wallet with Feng Shui coins into the pocket at back of my trouser?

    Yes. There is no problem.

     For what should I place a Laughing God statue?

    Wealth luck, prosperity, happiness and so many other fortunes will be given from the Laughing God statue.

    Where should I place the Laughing God statue?

    Place the Laughing God statue in the living room, facing the main door. Never place it in the kitchen or in a bedroom.

    Is it alright to eat meat or fish when I have a Laughing God statue in our home?

    Yes. It is alright.

    What is Medicine Buddha Dharani?

    It is a beautiful chanting asking Medicine Buddha or Bhaishajya Guru Vaidurya Prabhasha for health luck. By listening to those mantra one can get victory and success, too.

    What happens when I listen to the "Om Mani Padme Hum"?

    You will get lightness in your mind, success, happiness, health luck and many more fortunes.


  1. what is lughing god yantra and 10 manra yantra? how long it takes
    get result...

  2. what is lughing god yantra and 10 manra yantra? how long it takes
    get result...

  3. Can we only put money to the lauging god??
    Can't we take back the money in the laughing god?
    Either we have to put and take the money to the lauging god's bawl

  4. my one side of house is finished with glass ...then again shoud i take 9 blockes ..shoud i avoid glass part

  5. I was done feng shui treatment at my home when i knew Mr.Asiri Wanigaratne's seminar in ratnapura in 2012 actually it's gave me amazing result for my life and all so attend a Ganesha program,
    But unfortunately after 3 years my star is coming bad to present but i never hate feng shui its my bad luck season.
    i wish Mr.Asiri Wanigaratne to given his knowlege to every one's to open there success gate in real life.
    I wish him may the bless of triple gems.
